Ben Affleck took a desperate step to quickly move away from Jennifer Lopez


Ben Affleck took a desperate step to quickly move away from Jennifer Lopez

Ben Affleck took a significant and desperate step to quickly move on from his breakup with Jennifer Lopez. You will be shocked when you find out what he did and how he’s coping with the split.

The beginning of the divorce process for one of the most temperamental Hollywood couples is just around the corner: the tabloids are trumpeting that the documents are ready, all that remains is to take them to court. The point of no return for Jennifer Lopez, as reported, was the new acquisition of Ben Affleck. On the singer’s 55th birthday, he bought a mansion , where, apparently, he will soon move from temporary “bachelor” housing.

However, this decision was clearly not easy for Ben. Daily Mail writes that the actor had to take out a mortgage for 30 years. During this time, he must pay 10 million dollars – exactly half of the value of the house. Everything would be fine, but this is the actor’s second mortgage in a year: he and Jennifer also did not pay for the family nest right away. Until the mansion is sold, Ben has to pay off the debt for it too.

The actor is clearly not benefiting from paperwork right now. Despite rumors that Affleck was generally happy about his freedom, his friend told the tabloids that he was not coping with difficulties. Rumor has it that Ben even became addicted to alcohol – and after six years of absolute sobriety.


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