Ahh! Jennifer Lopez LIKES Post About Toxic Partners Who ‘Lack Integrity & Emotional Safety’ Amid Ben Affleck Divorce Rumors!!

Things aren’t looking good for Bennifer!!! Not good at all!

Relationship coach Lenna Marsak shared a post on Instagram in March about how someone “cannot build a healthy relationship with someone who …” and then lists off a bunch of descriptions, including:

“Doesn’t respect your time, doesn’t think it’s important to call/text back in a respectable time frame.”

“Lacks effective communication skills = silent treatment, withdraws, refuses to communicate unless it’s on their terms”

“Doesn’t know who they are or what they want.”

And guess who liked the post? It’s an easy guess considering only one of them has an IG account. But yes, it was Jennifer! She appears to have connected with the post since she liked it on Thursday morning. Is this her way of giving us insight into why things have gone south in her marriage to Ben? If the divorce rumors are true, it seems so! See (below):

Jennifer Lopez LIKES Post About Toxic Partners Who 'Lack Integrity & Emotional Safety' Amid Ben Affleck Divorce Rumors


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