How Iconic Celebrities Would Look Like with Thin Eyebrows — Unexpected Photos

Cara Delevingne sporting her full-brow look on May 6, 2024 | Source: Getty Images

Cara Delevingne sporting her full-brow look on May 6, 2024 | Source: Getty Images

Eyebrows are the unsung heroes of facial expression, subtle architects of our looks, and silent commentators on the ever-changing beauty trends. They’ve changed dramatically through the decades, from the pencil-thin arches in the 1920s to the full brows popular since the 2010s.

Beyonce Knowles with her full, well-groomed eyebrows on October 6, 2010 | Source: Getty Images

Beyonce Knowles with her full, well-groomed eyebrows on October 6, 2010 | Source: Getty Images

Today, thick, well-shaped eyebrows are in vogue, endorsed by celebrities and influencers. But it’s interesting to imagine how current stars would look with thin eyebrows. What if Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, or Serena Williams sported the styles of the Roaring Twenties?

Serena Williams sports her usual thick-eyebrow look on November 6, 2023 | Source: Getty Images

Serena Williams sports her usual thick-eyebrow look on November 6, 2023 | Source: Getty Images

We take a fun dive into this idea by digitally altering images of well-known celebrities. We tweak their eyebrows to be thinner, showing how this small change could give them a completely different appearance.

Angelina Jolie sporting her signature full brows on February 17, 2012 | Source: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie sporting her signature full brows on February 17, 2012 | Source: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie’s Ethereal Transformation

Known for her striking features and bold, arched brows, Angelina Jolie’s eyebrows have changed gradually with the trends. In the early 2000s, her eyebrows were known for their thin and sculpted look.

Angelina Jolie on February 23, 2003, in London, England | Source: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie on February 23, 2003, in London, England | Source: Getty Images

Although her eyebrows remained thin most of the time, she often styled them, filling them and giving them a sharp, angular look. These eyebrow styles were part of the beauty trends of the time and contributed to her signature look.

Angelina Jolie on January 20, 2002 | Source: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie on January 20, 2002 | Source: Getty Images

Now, Jolie has embraced the trends of the 2010s, sporting full, natural-looking eyebrows. But what if we softened those famous arches into a slender curve? The transformation reveals a gentler, almost ethereal version of the star that harks back to Hollywood’s golden era.

Angelina Jolie's original bold brows from 2012 vs a digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie’s original bold brows from 2012 vs a digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Meghan Fox’s Vintage Appeal

Meghan Fox has experimented with her look numerous times but always returns to her signature well-defined, arched eyebrows. In 2003, Fox embraced the beauty trends of the early 2000s.

Megan Fox February 17, 2004 | Source: Getty Images

Megan Fox February 17, 2004 | Source: Getty Images

Her eyebrows were thin and sculpted, often filled in and styled with a sharp, angular look. This style was quite striking, especially when paired with her naturally brown hair dyed black and matching black eyeliner.

Megan Fox on October 15, 2003 | Source: Getty Images

Megan Fox on October 15, 2003 | Source: Getty Images

By 2005, Fox’s eyebrows had evolved. She showed off her freckles with an all-natural look, and her eyebrows appeared fuller and softer. She mastered her sultry stare with the help of a minimalistic eye makeup look.

Megan Fox on September 12, 2005 | Source: Getty Images

Megan Fox on September 12, 2005 | Source: Getty Images

In our experiment, Fox’s traditionally fuller brows are thinned out, presenting a softer and less intense expression. This more vintage appearance brings focus to her other facial features. It proves that even a slight change can dramatically alter our looks.

Megan Fox signature brows from 2022 vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Megan Fox signature brows from 2022 vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Serena Williams: Gentle Brows, Bold spirit

As an athlete, Serena Williams often sports a natural and functional look, but her thick eyebrows always stand out, emphasizing her determined expressions.

Serena Williams in 1998 | Source: Getty Images

Serena Williams in 1998 | Source: Getty Images

Williams is known for her natural and confident look, but she has occasionally showcased perfectly groomed brows. However, she remains most comfortable with her natural look.

Serena Williams in 2005 | Source: Getty Images

Serena Williams in 2005 | Source: Getty Images

The edited thin brows give her a completely different aura—less fierce but equally intriguing, showcasing a gentler side of Serena that we’re not used to seeing on the tennis court.

Serena Williams signature brows from 2024 vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Instagram/serenawilliams

Serena Williams signature brows from 2024 vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Instagram/serenawilliams

Audrey Hepburn’s Timeless Elegance: A Brow Too Bold?

Audrey Hepburn, a timeless icon of style and elegance, has had a significant influence on beauty trends, including eyebrow styles. Her eyebrows have seen a fascinating evolution over the years, reflecting the changing beauty standards of the times.

At one point, Hepburn had thick, natural brows, unlike the thin brows of that era. Her bold brows became her trademark, inspiring a new eyebrow trend.

Audrey Hepburn, circa 1950s | Source: Getty Images

Audrey Hepburn, circa 1950s | Source: Getty Images

Later, Hepburn chose the modern brow, now popular among celebrities. These brows are well-shaped and defined, enhancing the face without being too much. Hepburn’s switch to this style showed she could stay stylish through changing trends.

Audrey Hepburn, circa 1950s | Source: Getty Images

Audrey Hepburn, circa 1950s | Source: Getty Images

Finally, Hepburn’s brows became a key part of her look. They were thick and dark near her nose, getting thinner towards the edges. This style made her eyes stand out.

Audrey Hepburn, circa 1950s | Source: Getty Images

Audrey Hepburn, circa 1950s | Source: Getty Images

In this exploration, we have thinned her eyebrows to match the standards of her era. The result maintains her grace but with a twist that might have fit right in with contemporary runway trends.

Audrey Hepburn's signature brows from the 1950s vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Audrey Hepburn’s signature brows from the 1950s vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Victoria Beckham’s Chic Evolution

Fashion icon Victoria Beckham knows how to make a statement, whether with a posh dress or sharp eyebrows. In 1997, Beckham sported well-groomed eyebrows, thicker towards the center of her face, but plucked thin towards the ends.

Victoria Beckham on April 29, 1997 | Source: Getty Images

Victoria Beckham on April 29, 1997 | Source: Getty Images

By the year 2000, her eyebrows had started to evolve and were now plucked thinner. Over time, she has embraced a more natural, fuller brow look

Victoria Beckham on July 9, 2000 | Source: Getty Images

Victoria Beckham on July 9, 2000 | Source: Getty Images

With thinner eyebrows, her sharp and chic demeanor takes on a new dimension. In the parallel universe, Posh Spice embraces a different side of the ’90s beauty trends that’s less about Girl Power and more about understated chic.

Victoria Beckham's signature brows from 2017 vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

Victoria Beckham’s signature brows from 2017 vs digitally edited thin-brow look | Source: Getty Images

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