10 Of The Sexiest Things A Guy Can Do That Have Nothing To Do With Sex

There are a lot of sexy things girls love in a guy…and many of them have nothing to do with sex.

Girls observe the whole package when checking you out and find certain non-sexual qualities downright irresistible.

Obviously, our initial attraction is based on your handsome looks. We will simultaneously notice your personality and approach. We need to find out if we like what’s beneath the surface — and behind that sexy smile.

We’re pros at playing it cool, while closely observing the heck out of you just to see what you have to offer. So this is your time to shine, guys.

You may think you’re a king, but if you’re not doing these sexy things underneath that crown, she won’t be too impressed with what you have to offer. You can probably kiss your shot with her goodbye.

Whether you’re in a relationship or trying to win a girl over, with these 10 simple tips, you can be crushing it in no time.

1. Keep chivalry alive.

Any guy who thinks chivalry is a dying art needs to get his facts straight. Girls love old fashioned chivalry, and you can slay it, guys. I truly have faith in you to keep the notion of respecting women alive and well.

Literally all you have to do is act like a gentleman. Peace of cake, right?

When a girl is getting to know you, your sexy appearance will be secondary to the kind of guy we sense you are. Your actions will speak louder than words and take high priority on her checklist. She’s going to take notes.

Chivalry is one of the sexiest things ever…and it makes up a huge part of the entire package. If you want to impress, here’s your simple way in. Things like opening the door for her, getting her a seat, making sure she gets home OK and holding her hand go a long way.

One of the sexiest things that shows a guy is actually V badass (believe it or not) is when he holds his honey’s purse and bags. He smiles at her affectionately and patiently while she’s trying something on in the fitting room.

You guys think you look stupid, but it’s actually the sexiest thing to us. YUP, no joke.

2. Have a pair of balls, and know where you’re going in life.

There’s nothing more unattractive than a guy who doesn’t confidently fight for what he wants, know where he’s headed or is easily swayed by his friends when making decisions.

Get your priorities in line, men, because this is the real deal.

Make moves, and make them on your own terms. A girl will move on to the next dude if you don’t have goals…and the drive and motivation to go after them. So basically, have your balls in the right court, and play them wisely.

A guy who passively sits back and doesn’t have the backbone or talent to get things done is plain old unattractive.

3. Be mature.

Girls don’t have the time or patience for immaturity. We’re not in college anymore; we’ve already been there, done that and are SO over it.

We want men, not insecure little schoolboys. Approach situations with a mature mindset… it will only benefit you in all aspects of your life, so why not?

4. Don’t cheat the game.

Loyalty is the key to keeping any relationship or connection alive. If you care about her, it’s simple: Don’t lie, and don’t cheat! After all, no one finds these qualities the least bit desirable.

A girl loves a man who shows complete loyalty and dedication. Flirting and sweet-talking other girls when you’re committed to one another is completely unacceptable. We want you to flirt with us and no one else in the room.

Play nice, and you can win the game. Don’t play nice, and you will lose every time.

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