Hot news: Prince Harry’s furious response to his brother Prince William when King Charles awarded him a new title, “I do not accept it.

Prince Harry is reportedly devastated upon learning that his older brother, Prince William, has been named Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps, a title previously held by Harry. The announcement, made by Buckingham Palace, has left Harry deeply affected, according to royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams.


Fitzwilliams stated, “King Charles’ announcement that Prince Harry is being stripped of his role as Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Corps is a real kick in the teeth for the son who always felt marginalized.”

The transfer of the title to Prince William, whom Harry reportedly sees as a source of his struggles, has left him emotional. Fitzwilliams added, “Harry needs to realize that when you betray the family, you don’t just escape the things you hated doing as a working royal. You also lose the things you loved.”

Despite this blow, Prince Harry has shown resistance. During a recent event honoring the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, he prominently wore the KCVO Neck Order and Star, given to him by Queen Elizabeth II. Royal author Tom Quinn believes this act was Harry’s way of asserting his worth and reminding his family of his contributions.


A tale of magazine covers, jealousy, and backhanded compliments that’ll make your head spin faster than Meghan Markle ditching her Royal duties. Oh yes, the Duchess of Deception from Montecito is at it again, along with her hapless husband, Harry. This is going to be fantastic, so strap in!

Princess Catherine, our future Queen, the Grace of the nation, and the mother of the heir and the spares, has just landed herself on the cover of Vanity Fair. And this isn’t just any old cover – it’s the second major publication in a month to put Kate’s face front and center. Meanwhile, our dear Meghan is probably sitting in her Montecito mansion, scrolling through her phone, wondering why her Google Alerts for “Meghan Markle magazine cover” haven’t pinged since… well, can anyone even remember?

I know what you’re thinking: “But Ben, surely Meg’s been on some covers recently?” And to that, I say, unless Yacht Weekly or Chicken Coop Quarterly count as major publications, I’m drawing a blank here. The last time Meghan made headlines was probably for something she said on that podcast of hers. Let’s be real for a single second – this has got to sting for Meghan. I mean, this is the woman who thought she was going to revolutionize the monarchy, the American actress who was going to drag those stuffy Royals into the 21st century. And instead, well, you won’t believe what’s happened – she’s writing children’s books, planning her next tell-all interview, and trying to remember which of her 16 bathrooms she left her tiara in.


But here’s where it gets juicy. Vanity Fair, bless their hearts, couldn’t just give Kate a straightforward puff piece. No, they had to throw some shade. They’re talking about how the Palace didn’t have a game plan for dealing with the health crisis of King Charles. Excuse me, what kind of game plan were they expecting – a Royal Decree announcing, “Save the day, King to get cancer in March, Catherine to follow in April”? Come on, Vanity Fair, you must do absolutely better than that.

And then they have the audacity to suggest that the monarchy looks vulnerable now. I’m sorry, but these people have been living under a rock. Prince William’s been out there, holding down the fort like a boss. The man’s been juggling Royal duties, family, and probably trying to figure out how to block his brother’s number at the same time.

Let’s break it down, shall we? Vanity Fair says, and I quote, “for once, the Palace did not have a game plan.” Well, excuse me for thinking that when someone gets diagnosed with cancer, the game plan is usually “get treatment and get better.” But no, apparently, Vanity Fair thinks the Palace should have a PR strategy ready to roll for every possible medical diagnosis in existence. What’s next, a wall press release for Charles’s next colonoscopy?

And then they hit us with this gem: “the mighty House of Windsor, which not long ago had the world’s longest-reigning monarch at its helm, suddenly seemed very vulnerable.” Vulnerable? Are we watching the same monarchy? Last time I checked, Charles was still King, William was still there, and the line of succession was still intact. What exactly is vulnerable about that?

But wait, it gets so much better. They then go on to say, “without Catherine, it all seems rather off-key.” Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize the monarchy was a soul that needed Catherine’s presence to keep it from collapsing. Now, let’s talk about this “slimmed-down Monarchy” nonsense that Vanity Fair seems to think is a weakness. But let me ask you this: when was the last time you saw the Queen’s cousin, the Duke of Gloucester, and thought, “Wow, thank God he’s here, or the whole Monarchy would surely crumble”? Exactly. Quality over quantity, people. Think about it.

Who was it that, when the Oprah interview aired, aired all the family’s dirty laundry? Who was it that released a Netflix docuseries that was basically a six-hour complaint about how hard it is to be rich and famous? Who was it that wrote a tell-all book that was more about settling scores than telling its story? It wasn’t Catherine, it wasn’t William, and it sure as hell wasn’t Charles or Camilla. It was the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the dynamic duo who decided that Royal duty was less important than Hollywood fa


And now, while Catherine’s landing magazine covers and William stepping up to lead, what are Harry and Meg doing? Are they supporting the family during this difficult time? Are they offering to take on more duties to help out? Nope, they’re probably too busy planning their next media appearance where they can remind us all how victimized they have truly been. That is exactly what we have come to expect here.

As the nation turned its eyes to the pomp and pageantry of Trooping the Colour, celebrating King Charles III’s official birthday with a grand military parade, another event quietly unfolded in the digital realm. Meghan Markle’s lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, unveiled two new tantalizing products: raspberry-flavored jam and dog biscuits.



The timing was impeccable-or controversial, depending on whom you ask. Just hours before Kate Middleton made her much-anticipated royal comeback at Trooping the Colour, a close friend of Markle’s revealed these latest additions to her burgeoning brand.

Polo player Nacho Figueras, known for his association with the Sussexes, shared a series of intriguing photos on his social media account. The images featured a jar of raspberry jam and a box of dog biscuits, both bearing the label of Meghan Markle’s lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard.

The timing of this post raised eyebrows as it coincided with Princess Kate’s

appearance at the Trooping the Colour parade. The internet was abuzz with speculation: Was this a calculated move by the Duchess of Sussex to steal the limelight from her royal counterpart?

Despite the claims of overshadowing, an expert has since clarified that Markle’s business move, seemingly coincidental, bore no malice. “While I am sure the gift packages came with notes requesting social media coverage, you can’t tell Nacho Figueras what to do, so I think it’s certain the timing of his post was his own idea. The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a textbook social media campaign. The only problem is that there still seems to be nothing actually for sale, so what is it all for? I guess we will find out

This narrative is not new to followers of royal affairs. The Duchess of Sussex has often been pitted against the Princess of Wales in media narratives that thrive on rivalry. Yet, this latest development suggests a more nuanced reality where personal milestones and professional endeavors coexist, even if they occasionally overlap in the public eye.

As American Riviera Orchard continues to expand its offerings, from edible delights to lifestyle products, Meghan Markle cements her role as an entrepreneur with a keen sense for timing-whether by design or coincidence


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