7 Ways Justin Bieber Is Embracing Fatherhood Vibes During Hailey’s Pregnancy.

Justin and Hailey Bieber Gotham/GC Images

But it seems Hailey Bieber, who is expecting her first baby later this summer, has handed the comfort pass over to dad-to-be Justin Bieber. While Hailey, 27, is still looking flawless and stylish whenever she leaves the house, Justin, 30, seems to be truly leaning into maternity style. And we’re happy for him!

You can wear the biggest, baggiest, comfiest clothes you can find

Justin Bieber BG046/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images

Or you can not bother getting dressed at all

Justin Bieber Gotham/GC Images

Nobody expects you to do your hair

Justin Bieber Ignat/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images

You can wear sensible shoes

Justin Bieber Gotham/GC Images

Bieber’s extremely distinctive new shoes, a pair of chunky brown Mary-Janes by Danish brand Vinny’s, are, in the words of Vogue, “more frequently found in the halls of Catholic schools.” While they might not be to everyone’s taste, we admire Bieber’s commitment to comfort. Those are the kind of shoes perfect for pushing a stroller around the park for hours on end to try and get a newborn to nap, so it’s good that he’s breaking them in now.

You can eat whatever you want

Justin Bieber Courtesy of Instagram / Justin Bieber

You can just appreciate the simple things in life

Oscar Bieber Courtesy of Instagram / Justin Bieber

You can always put safety first

Justin and Hailey Bieber Courtesy of Instagram / Justin Bieber

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